Plate carriers are powerful ballistic pieces that protect you from getting shot. But if the plate carrier you choose doesn’t fit properly, it loses its effectiveness. So, it’s critical to know the correct way to wear your plate carrier before you wear it in the field.
There’s a right way to set up a protective plate carrier. You probably don’t get a choice in which brand you wear. But, your agency should have a professional measure you for the best fit.
The results can be disastrous if someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing measures you for a tactical vest or plate carrier. It may never fit right, and your employer either buys you a new vest or risks your life keeping you in one that doesn’t cover you effectively.
When it comes to size, one thing you should be concerned about is the size of the armor plate. The plate carrier should cover your vital organs sufficiently while giving you enough room for comfort.
The front plate pocket should sit at the width of two of your fingers below your collarbone. You can adjust the two shoulder straps to bring the rear plate pocket in line with the one in the front. Then the carrier doesn’t sag in the back.
Additionally, you can take the side straps off and attach them to the front of the plate carrier so
that the MOLLE or webbing isn’t obstructed. Then, you can simply feed the straps back through
the rear armor plate pockets. Loosen or tighten the side straps so you can breathe better and
move comfortably.
The lighter the vest, the more comfortable it is to wear. Superior plate models balance comfort with protection. A plate carrier is heavier than other tactical vests but is more effective at stopping bullets, which is the primary reason you wear it. The carrier should be crafted from high-quality materials and still provide comfort while holding tactical plate carrier accessories despite the additional weight.
Here are some good features to look for in the perfect plate carrier for you:
Rear yoke shoulder pads that even weight distribution
Should be compatible with standard armor plates
Nylon that is resistant to tears and abrasions
Elastic side straps for securing the carrier
Adjustable tensional and waistbands
Web ID loop
Extendable drag handles in case of emergency extraction
Sturdy hardware
For added agility, the plate carrier should have one-handed, quick release
Waterproof coating
Extra-large airflow panels
The MOLLE attachment system lets you carry critical tools such as first aid supplies, extra ammo, water bladders, knives, and more. If you set your vest up correctly, you will be able to conveniently reach all your equipment.
Always insert your ballistic plates before you put on your plate carrier vest. Then, add all the MOLLE attachments with your equipment to the vest in the appropriate positions. Once your plate carrier is fully loaded, follow these tips to make sure the load-bearing supports fit your body correctly.
First, center the front plate so it covers the vital areas on your torso.
Adjust the straps on the shoulder, ensuring that the top of that front plate lines up where your sternum meets your collarbone at the sternal notch.
Armor plates should be straight, so make sure the shoulder straps are adjusted evenly.
For a firm but comfortable fit, tighten up the side straps.
Ask your spouse or friend to make sure the back plate lines up with the front plate. You can use a mirror if you’re alone.
Test the carrier’s security by tugging on it.
Lift your arms, twist, bend over and move around to ensure that the plate carrier moves with your body and that it doesn’t shift.
If the vest moves when you shift, then adjust any accessories you have attached that may interfere with the fit and weight distribution. You can also tighten the straps.
If you’re in the military or law enforcement, your tactical vest or plate carrier may be the most important piece of equipment after your firearm. Follow these tips to make sure your vest fits well and keeps you safe.